Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Peyton is TWO!

(Sorry, I am seriously behind on my posts)

Peyton celebrated her second birthday on August 27th! It is amazing how fast time flies! The night of her birthday, we went over to Mimi and Allen's (my parents) house for a birthday dinner, cake and ice cream, and to open presents of course. Peyton got some fabulous presents and thoroughly enjoyed her birthday cake. The next day, we invited all of our neighbors over for a cookout and to let all the kids swim and do the slip 'n slide. Peyton wasn't too thrilled about sharing her pools with the other kids, but finally warmed up eventually. The terrible twos are in full effect and with her, her socialization skills have completely evaporated. She takes a long time to warm up to people, so we are definitely going to work on that during the next few months. But anyways, we all had a fabulous time and we were so excited that everyone was able to come out and celebrate Peyton's birthday with us!

Peyton had her two year check-up the next week and the pediatrician said she is perfect! She weighs 27 pounds (50th %) and is 34.5 inches tall (50th %). Like I mentioned before, our main goals for the next few months are to improve our socialization skills and work on potty training. Peyton absolutely LOVES to talk and her vocabulary is increasing by the day and her speech is improving as well. So we are thoroughly impressed with our big girl!

Here are some pictures from her birthday weekend:

1 comment:

Ann said...

I need to meet Peyton one of these days. I'm pretty sure I'd fall in love with her!