On Tuesday night, Peyton slept from 11:30 p.m to 8:30 a.m.!!! Absolutely incredible, especially for a seven week old baby. I was skeptical that it would happen again last night and I was right. She only slept from midnight to 4 a.m. - not good at all. I have been trying to get Brad to practice feeding her and putting her down at night because I go back to work in a week and half and I will be doing night shift, thus meaning Brad will be taking care of Peyton on his own at nights (only three nights a week though). I think he is having a difficult time with it and gets frustrated easily. However, he needs to keep practicing so they both will be able to sleep through the night.
Peyton and I went for a walk in her spiffy stroller this afternoon. There are two things she really likes: walks and baths. Today the weather was perfect and she was awake for most of the walk, looking around at the surroundings. I am sure she can't see much past the stroller, but she is cute when she looks like she is observing what's going on around her. I have also become extremely protective of Peyton. I don't like to walk on the sidewalks since they are incredibly bumpy and I'm afraid I am going to give Peyton her first concussion. So, I end up walking on the street, but only because the streets in our neighborhood or where I walk are extremely wide so there is plenty of room for cars to pass. Yet, some cars still come very close to us and at high speeds. That really just makes me mad. I think I might start taking a carton of eggs with me on our walks and hurl eggs at those cars who come too close to us while they are speeding. Maybe that will get the point across. What do you think?
Well she just ate and she is in her swing now looking around the room and following the dogs with her eyes as they walk around. Since she is content, I guess I will go clean up the house. It is amazing how much I have to clean on a daily basis. I wish Brad would help clean up more often. Maybe one day. We shall see.
Ok, talk later!
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